Cookware and Water Filtration Systems │ NutriLife │ Oregon │ +1 (888) 348-1232

Author: NutriLife

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Nutri Life’s Mission

Nutri Life International is a company that cares about health, nutrition and the environment. Through our representatives we visit families to raise awareness of clean drinking water and cooking in healthier ways. We are convinced that a good health is priceless.

Call us now without feeling obligated to purchase. We will test your water completely free!

Some of the many benefits of Alkaline Water:

1. Helps to prevent cancer cells.
2. Detoxifies the body and balances the PH level.
3. Helps maintain a healthy heart and good blood pressure.
4. Helps you lose weight.
5. Helps reduce premature aging.
6. Helps normalize the level of blood sugar.
7. Sport performance (more energy and faster recovery).

Call us and we can share with you 2 gallons of Alkaline water!

Finding qualified appointments

1. Exhibits in Super Market or Swap Meet:

Displays of our products have been useful in achieving an increase in production. When sales are down during the week, an exhibition on Saturday or Sunday almost always provides help to close at least one sale and give the Representative a week with more sales.

2. Newspapers with information about the Antioxidant Alkaline Water:

A great way to take advantage of information packs on Alkaline antioxidant water is handing one to each potential recruit. The package enhances the professional image of Nutri Life, also gives information to recruits to read and share with family and friends.
In our next meeting the new representative can bring the package to the training session to add notes and training materials. This gives continuity to recruit, passing the recruitment process to training and sales.

New programs serve their purpose:

Here are some details of the new programs for recruiting and obtaining appointments. These programs make obstacles to acquire appointments become opportunities for success.
We all know that getting appointments causes anxiety to many new Representatives. They do not like the idea of talking to people prefer the company helps find potential new customers. This can be a major obstacle in recruiting.
With the tools in the new system we can talk with a potential recruit about obtaining appointments and this can be converted into a positive situation. We can say, “I’ll help with scheduling, all you have to really focus on the Demo show”. It is important to be able to fully understand now to obtain appointments effectively.
The same questions arise during the interview with the possible recruits or during the explanation of the system: “How I will get appointments to do demonstrations?” The new programs allow us to say with pride that we can help them produce the names of potential customers.